Our services
Prenatal Care
As a Bella Vie client, your prenatal appointments will last approximately one hour so we may have the opportunity to REALLY connect and learn about your needs and desires in pregnancy and birth. Often, this extra time together leads to valuable health information and helps to keep you and baby safer by learning all that we can.
During your prenatal appointments, we carefully monitor your pregnancy by taking your blood pressure and pulse, monitoring your baby’s growth, assessing fetal heart rate, and offering and/or recommending lab work. In addition, it gives us ample time to learn about you and your growing family, address concerns you may have, provide education on nutrition and herbal remedies, and offer support for your particular needs in pregnancy. Not only do we value our relationship with you but give us insight on how to best support you during the childbearing year.
Birth Experience
With these comfortable surroundings, and our fantastic team of birth workers, we work diligently to help you have the safe and satisfying birth you want and deserve. Each of our midwives are highly trained professionals with safe statistics and years of birth experience. They are educated in normal, safe birth, as well as in recognizing signs of possible concern. We keep medical equipment within easy reach, but just out of your view.
Our facility has been compared to a bed and breakfast, with exceptional birth services included! Our goal is to nurture moms, babies, and families during this amazing, intimate, and sacred time of life.
Postpartum Care
After your birth, our midwives are carefully, and quietly assessing you and your baby. Unless it is medically necessary, your baby stays in your arms. We allow you ample time to get to meet your baby with minimal intervention.
Bella Vie offers all routine procedures for newborns as required by the state of Oregon, including Vitamin K, eye prohylaxis treatment, metabolic newborn screening, and hearing screening. These procedures can be done while your baby is in your arms.
Visits resume with us at the birth center for your one, two, four, and six week postpartum appointments.
For those who are interested, we offer birth control/family planning, and well woman exams during these visits.
“So eternally grateful for this experience and all of the kind and knowledgeable staff who made it possible for me to have the birth I dreamed of.”
— Kelsey M